
今年夏天, 学生们在西班牙参加了一次独特的经历, 由Gabriela Cerghedean教授和Amy tibitts教授领导. 伯洛伊特学院提供 夏季课程 in a range of topics in the summer taught by 十大菠菜台子 faculty. 

今年夏天 15 Beloit students participated in an International Summer Block in Granada, Spain. While in Spain students learned to think about their surroundings and the complex confluence of ideas, 国人民, 结构, 历史, 以及创造它们所涉及的政策. During this process of gleaning a deeper understanding of a specific place, many critical questions emerged: Which cultural and historical factors formed this place? 我们从哪里看到过去是如何影响现在的? 谁住在这里? 他们的信仰是什么? 谁是“归属”,为什么? What are the challenges or particular pressures of making a life in this place? How are our own perceptions and identities influencing how we experience this city and its surrounding communities?

与这些问题相关, students developed various tools for reading and understanding urban environments, became familiar with relevant theoretical insights regarding the city and its places, gained a deeper understanding about the challenges and benefits of being a sojourner abroad with an “outsider’s” view, 了解了格拉纳达的特殊挑战和担忧. Students in the course had many opportunities to actively learn from guest speakers, 网站访问, 阅读, 和转换, 因为他们考虑了与移民有关的问题, 公民身份, 女性, 孩子们, 公共空间vs. 私人空间、包容/排斥等.






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